Dynamic Speaker | Purpose Warrior | Out of the box Communicator

Keynote Speaker


Rich is a charismatic and unique communicator who speaks from the heart. With a magnetic presence and a gift for breaking down concepts with lateral insights and humour, Rich has his audience engaged and in the moment from the get go. Rich has a refreshing down to earth and energetic speaking style. His talks are a blend of inspiration, practicality, and authenticity that come from his own life journey and life lessons learned. His story connects with his audience on a personal level, making each individual feel recognised & acknowledged. His infectious enthusiasm and fun demeanour creates an atmosphere of motivation and empowerment.

Rich does not like to be branded a motivational speaker; he’s more than just soundbites thrown at an audience to impress. He’s a purpose catalyst who ignites the spark of purpose in others and guides them towards a more meaningful and fulfilling present and future. He believes that by helping people discover their unique gifts and passions, the world can become a better place as individuals align their actions with their true calling which leads to inner peace and joy.

Rich’s presentations will leave a lasting impact on diverse audiences, ranging from schools and the broader education sector, sports clubs and not-for-profit organizations to community groups. His ability to tailor his message to the specific needs of his audience ensures that every talk is relevant and transformative and fun.


Purpose Discovery Process 
Rich uncovers unique insights by delving into examples and stories of past and present humans and how they came about their purpose. Rich believes that everyone has a distinct purpose waiting to be discovered that doesn’t necessarily entail being famous or rich or popular, and he provides practical tools and insights to help students identify their own purpose.

Boring is Underrated 
Embracing the mundane is a must, it forms the backdrop of our extraordinary moments. In the routine of life’s daily tasks, we find the rhythm that sustains us. Within the ordinary lies the beauty of consistency and the foundation of our aspirations.

“REAL” Relationships & Self Value 
Rich shares insights on building healthy connections that go beyond how many “likes” a post receives. Rich talks on effective communication, boundaries, and the importance of self-respect and self-value. Today, the digital age offers convenient ways to connect, but the authenticity and depth of relationships may often be compromised by superficial interactions on social media. What’s the Balance ?

We teach people how to treat us 
We teach others how to treat us through our boundaries and expectations. Setting clear boundaries communicates our self-worth and expectations. In cultivating self-respect, we shape the way others respect us.

Visualization or Day dreaming 
Both visualization and daydreaming have their place in our cognitive toolkit, offering distinct benefits: one for focused goal pursuit, the other for fostering imagination and innovation, ultimately enriching our lives.

Communication is KING!!! 
Rich believes effective communication is a superpower for success. Rich shares from his own experience on how expressing ideas clearly, listening actively, and building strong relationships gives students unparalleled advantages out in the real world. From nailing presentations to acing interviews, these skills will open doors and boost their confidence.

Slaying the Giant 
Having faced his own share of setbacks, Rich inspires others to persevere in the face of adversity. He shares personal stories of resilience and provides strategies to overcome challenges on the path to purposeful living by unlocking the inner giant that’s in all of us.

Leadership and Empowerment 
Empowering students to take on leadership roles, develop their leadership skills, and make a positive impact in their communities.

Self-Awareness & Respect 
Our world is in desperate need of this. Imagine unlocking your inner potential and transforming your relationships by harnessing the power of self-awareness and respect. Rich guides you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your values, emotions, and motivations. Learn how self-awareness can lead to greater self-confidence and improved decision-making. Discover the key to building stronger, more meaningful connections with others through the lens of mutual self-awareness & respect.

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